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The Intersection Series

Originally created for Chisenhale Dance Space, London, The Intersection Series is a series of short experimental films which are, quite literally, an intersection between two projects, combining footage from Jo Cork’s award-winning 2016 dance film, Sensate, and editing processes anticipated for use in the next envisioned project. The films are demonstrations and studies as to how choreography is presented on film and how it is further manipulated by the editing and post-production processes.

The films were originally shown on loop, with a countdown at the end of each to anticipate the next repetition. They were presented on different devices located around the space, including an iPad, a laptop, a projector screen and a displayed online link via which audience members could view the films on their phones.


The Intersection Series installation has been exhibited in London and at art gallery, Lemo Lemo, in Berlin. A single-film version of the series, showing all 4 films in succession, was screened as part of Turn at Manchesters Contact Theatre. 

Produced in London. 2017.

Individual Film Running Time: 1.5 - 4 mins

Complete Running Time: 8:37 mins

Produced and Directed by: Jo Cork

Choreographed and Performed by: Jo Cork

Assistant Producer/RehearsalDirector: Annie Taylor-Gooby 
Cinematography: Orestes Chouchoulas

Original Score and Sound Design: Bartosz Szafranski 

Costume: James Stanley Thomas

Editing and Post-Production: Jo Cork


- Hail, Hail, Hail, Party Hail!

21 October 2016. Chisenhale Dance Space, London, UK


- CanCan: LemoArt Gallery

3-28 April 2017. Berlin, Germany


- Turn (Word of Warning)

28 April 2017. Manchester, UK

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