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Brum. Babysham. Bostin.

Commissioned by Dance X Change for Birmingham International Dance Festival.

Part of the Midlands Made 1-minute dance film commissioning scheme.

Produced by The Motion Dance Collective. 

Mentored and Edited by Jo Cork Dance and Digital.

Conceived and Directed by commissioned artist Romy Ashmore-Hills.


‘Brum has a lot to say...’

Young people are often criticised for their forms of self expression, whether it is cutting off all their hair or wearing unconven.onal clothing. Their opinions are belittled and delegitimised as conservative society dub them ‘Snowflakes’. Despite this, time and time again young people rise up and create their own communities, using fashion, music and dance.

This short dance film documents youth culture from Birmingham’s past and present, using interviews and real stories of growing up in Brum. From Hip Hop to Punk, from The Rum Runner to The Elbow Room and the bostin night-life in Digbeth. Birmingham’s sub-cultures and iconic clubs and venues have been a playground, a stage and a dance floor for young people to express themselves and find their community.

Brum. Babycham. Bostin. celebrates young people and all of their originality and individuality, calling them to keep stepping up louder, brighter and bolder than ever.

The film was screened from 3 June - 13 June 2021, as part of Birmingham International Dance Festival. 

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